
Showing posts from October, 2014

Snooping Around has won the Liebster Blog Award

Incredible but true. I still cannot believe that Snooping Around was awarded the Liebster Blog Award. Needless to say I'm on cloud nine. But if you have never heard of it, you're probably asking yourselves: "What is the Liebster Blog Award?". Actually the word Liebster comes from the German language, and it means "beloved". So, in this case, the actual meaning is "favorite blog". But winning this award is not so simple. You have to do 5 things to officially receive it, and in this "SPECIAL article" (notice I write special in Caps Lock to emphasize the importance of this) I will do it. First I think few information is required.  This award exists only on the internet, and is given to bloggers by other bloggers and it follows similar principles as a chain letter, in the sense that it should be passed forward to a certain number of people. The rules are simple to follow. If you have been nominated for The Liebster Award and you choose to

50 Special...Misconceptions Revealed

I cannot believe I've written fifty articles so far. It's a great goal for me, and I have to thank all my Snoopers, who come to visit me every time. So, also to thank you, today I'm going to write a special article. Imagine all the things you've learnt in your life. Well, not all of them are true, we all know that! But there are some of those which are so eradicated in our mind we couldn't believe are not true. Well, today we'll try to do this. In the sixteenth century, British cardinal Thomas Wolsey said: "Be very, very careful what you put into that head, because you'll never, ever get it out". Prepare to empty your brain of this 50 common misconceptions , miths, rumors about everything. 1. The Great Wall of China is the only man-made object visible from space. WRONG! To see something on Earth from space, it would have to be pretty big, which the Great Wall certainly is. But it's only 30 feet across at its widest. Photos taken from the

Maniacs of the Past - Erzsébet Báthory, The Bloody Countess

History is full of sad and terrifying stories. Blood dripped from innocent people, and most of the time we don't even now this tragedies. With this new collection of articles we'll go back in time, to snoop around the biographies of some of the most maniacal serial killers ever registered in the Old Book of Past. As I just said, the maniacs list is very very.... very long. There are lots that deserve to open up this new section. But I'm a kinda gentleman. SO, LADIES FIRST.... This is the horrifying story of a woman called Erzsébet Báthory de Ecsed. A countess of the noble Báthory family, rulers in the Kingdom of Hungary. The trail of corpses left behind her is unequaled in the history of serial crimes. It is most impressive as it's one of the few cases in which a woman was ruthless with incredible ferocity exclusively towards other women. We can say that if plastic surgery existed at her time, this story would never be told. This because her problem was only an ave

Random Facts About.... Autumn

Welcome to a season filled with change. Cold at night, but still warm and sunny during the daytime, that becomes shorter. And, first of all, leaves fall off the trees and hedges. Well, everybody knows the main facts about Autumn, with its strong winds and a lot of rain. But what about the interesting facts we don't know. Nothing better than a good old "Random Facts About" to look up on the secrets behind the color of the falling foliage. So, without further do, let's get started. 1.  The word "fall" to describe the season that precedes winter was in use in Elizabethan England, and, logically, relates to falling leaves. Although "fall" is the more common term in North America, "autumn" is preferred in Great Britain. It's also a linguistic fact the word "autumn" is more graceful and poetic, but "fall" is easier to rhyme. 2. Evergreen trees will not lose their leaves like deciduous trees. But have you ever found